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As a visionary, problem solver, and change agent, I see through a lens of possibility. For over 20 years, I have worked diligently providing legal and business consulting services to individuals and organizations in the District of Columbia metropolitan area. I find great pleasure in disrupting the status quo through innovation, driving results, and remaining forward focused.

Problem Solver

There is no obstacle too steep, challenge too difficult, or problem that can't be solved.  By assessing situations from a macro-level, I gain an understanding of the root of the problem. Using those insights, I drill down to a micro-level to craft laser-focused solutions.  My methodology empowers individuals and organizations alike to find the best solutions for all parties involved. 

Change Agent

With a strong commitment to community engagement, my mission is to empower clients to solve their own problems in a manner that is not only best for them, but for their family and community alike. My goal is to inspire individuals to aspire to discover or define their purpose. With a clear vision of one’s hopes, dreams, and aspirations, a road map to turn those dreams into reality can then be created and executed.

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“If your dream only includes you,   it’s too small.”

— Ava DuVernay—



It is never too late to try something new. If you keep doing the same things and not getting the results you expect, it is time to do things differently. Now is the time to think big, dream big, and do big things!

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